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Blog Hop Friday!

>>Friday, October 1, 2010

Woohoo! It's Friday and that means Crazy for Books is hosting the weekly blog hop! It's when people post their book blogs so we can network and discover other blogs who share our interests. 

Today's question is: How do you spread the word about your blog?

I spread the word by using Twitter, but I think the biggest way is that I participate and comment on other blogs. I participate in a lot of challenges which gets some of my reviews out there and people interested in my blog. 


  1. I don't really spread the word all too much, sadly. I do, however, tweet my posts on twitter, but that's about it haha :)

    Oh, and it's on goodreads!

  2. Just hopping by to say hi. Bookend Diaries http://bookenddiaries.blogspot.com

  3. Hi! Stopping by and following from the Blog Hop!
    Check out my blog and enter my contest which ends today!
    Hafsah @ IceyBooks

  4. ok, i totally need to get my butt on twitter, and do some challenges!

  5. I am now totally convinced I have been using Twitter wrong! I'm not sure it does anything for me, networking wise!

    Check out my Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!!

  6. Visiting from the Hop -- I've never used Twitter OR done a challenge. But then I'm pretty new to blogging. Doing some challenges is going to be a goal in the next year. I see you're in a Steampunk challenge which I'll have to check out.

  7. Hi there. I am a new follower from the hop. I have started using twitter too. I haven't done any challenges yet...maybe that should be on my to do list! Come and visit me at www.mandysescape.blogspot.com

  8. First-time visitor...cool header......just hopping by...hope you are having fun in the hop.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see how I get the word out:




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