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The Christmas Haul

>>Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I just arrived home today from my five day trip visiting family in Ontario. It was quite an exciting holiday! I still feel overly stuffed from so many Christmas dinners! Alas, I am behind on my reviews but I finally have some time to get moving on finishing some books before the end of the month. Please sit tight!

I think I made out well this year in terms of books. I only received one book as a gift, the rest were bought with gift cards. I like to pick out what I like and so I ask for gift cards. Here's what I got:

Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre (received)
Aguirre is one of my favorite authors right now, so it's no surprised I received the first book in her Corine Solomon series.

These next books are ones I have wanted for a really, really long time and haven't had the chance or money to pick them up. The Canadian bookstore chain has an annual hardcover sale and therefore I was able to splurge on three new hardcovers (excluding The Iron Duke):
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook
The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

What did you get this holiday?


  1. I got Revolution for Christmas, too! Can't wait to read that one.

  2. Ooh, Revolution! I'm going to buy that one with the gift cards I received (I always ask for gift cards for the same reason). And I've heard good things about Shade, too. Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  3. Oh great books! I've had Revolution and The Iron Duke in my TBR pile for awhile. I'm really excited to read them and Shade is amazing. I hope you enjoy it :)

  4. It was only when I started seeing these posts for holiday gift books that I realized I didn't get a single book for Christmas. It seems I gave everyone else books but didn't receive a single one. Gah! :) But my birthday is next week so maybe someone will remedy that.



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