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Book Expo America 2011!

>>Monday, May 16, 2011

I wanted to make the announcement that I'll be attending this years Book Expo America in New York City next week! I'm making a whole vacation out of it; I'm going to do other touristy things in the city. I'm super excited to go and hopefully meet some awesome people and see some awesome books and authors.

I'll have my name and blog name on my badge so if you recognize me don't be shy! I won't be able to post during the week (but I have reviews scheduled) but I will surely make a few posts when I get back detailing my trip.

Hope to see you there!


  1. Whee! I hope to run into you there!

  2. Have fun Lisa. You will have a blast in NYC and at BEA.

  3. I do hope you have a wonderful time. I'm going to have to get my stuff together here in the future and get to this and a few conventions that everyone goes to. :) Think of us poor saps sitting at home wishing we where there too. ;)



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