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Book Expo America 2011 Recap!

>>Thursday, June 2, 2011

So finally, here is my mandatory BEA recap and haul post. Sorry for the delay; one of the great things I brought back with me from New York City was a terrible cold. I'm finally starting to feel better and so was able to write up this post! I hope everyone enjoys it.

This was my first time attending BEA. This was my first time going to New York and also my first time planning a trip for myself. All in all everything worked out great! I had an amazing time in NYC. I went to see Mary Poppins and Wicked on Broadway, did some shopping, went through Central Park and the American Museum of Natural History. Yes, I was exhausted!

Not knowing what to really expect from BEA, I found it to be really fun and also a lot of work. There's a lot of waiting in lines for books and navigating the exhibition floor. I thought the best parts about it were getting to meet authors, publishers and other bloggers while finding out about new and upcoming books. There was a large emphasis on young adult novels and I was hoping to find more adult speculative fiction, but I knew going into it that YA was more prevalent at this convention.

Without further ado, here is the major haul I took back home!

You can click the images for a larger view.

Day One

Day One was pretty hectic. I got a lot of books since there was a lot of giveaways, but I also was trying to figure out how to find out about the various giveaways and signings. Highlights from Day One include meeting Jeri Smith-Ready and getting a copy of Shift and taking to the very nice people at Orbit!

Day Two
Day Two was great because I was finally catching on to how to navigate the convention and became incredibly efficient! I got a lot of books I was interested in. I didn't know Maria Dahvana Headley, author of Queen of Kings, was going to signing and was super excited to get a copy. She was very nice. Also, Mira Grant did a signing of Deadline and she was also super nice!

Day Three
Days One and Two were so exhausting I almost didn't go back for the third day. Glad I pushed myself to do that because I got some books I really wanted including Enthralled, Glow, Skyship Academy and Blood Rights. We ended early this day and went back to the hotel and collapsed in a heap of book exhaustion. But it was so worth it!

I wasn't able to go to the Book Blogger Convention but I hope to perhaps next year. Not convinced I should spend the money on it... but I definitely want to make it back to Book Expo in 2012.


  1. Oooo, I'm so jealous! I so want to go to this. I'm going to have to figure out how to get there next year. BEA is during the week too, isn't it. mmmm, I'm going to have to think on what to do! So glad you had a great time. And hope you're feeling better. :)

  2. Wow, so many incredible-looking books! I missed the Book Expo this year, but hopefully I can somehow manage the trip next time around. :) Glad you had fun and that you're feeling better.

  3. Oh how I wish I could go to BEA! Maybe next year =) I'm SO jealous you got Legend! It sounds SO GOOD!
    Happy Reading!

  4. Ahhhhh! Pea green with jealousy over BEA and all your goodies. :) Sounds like it was fun...but then again, how could it not be?



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