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In My Mailbox #13

>>Sunday, July 3, 2011

Welcome to another edition of In My Mailbox hosted by The Story Siren! Wow, an IMM post two weeks in a row? I'm on a roll! Thanks to that 4 for 3 sale at Indigo, I managed to snatch up some more books. This time the obvious theme is manga. I'm preparing for a super awesome secret manga project on the blog but I won't announce yet what it is! But you'll want to be here to find out in a couple weeks! The last non-manga was bought for Calico Reaction's book club.

Arisa vol. 1 by Natsumi Ando
Spice and Wolf vol. 1 by Isuna Hasekura
Maximum Ride vol. 2 and 3 by James Patterson and NaRae Lee
Santa Olivia by Jaqueline Carey

What did you get this week?


  1. Oh I love Jacqueline Carey's books. Have you read the Kushiel series? They are the freaking greatest books ever!! The 3rd book to the 3rd trilogy just came out last week. I should get getting my copy in the mail on Tuesday.


  2. I'm reading "Santa Olivia" for Calico's Dare this month (which is why you've bought I'm guessing) and it's really good!

  3. Great manga's. I just finished the first two in the Maximum Ride series. Looking forward to reading the others in the series.

    Santa Olivia sounds interesting I will have to look into it.

    Great mailbox. Happy reading :)

  4. @Kristina: I've only read Kushiel's Dart, a long time ago before I had this blog and I enjoyed! I would like to get to the others in the series!

    @MichieBee: Yes, I'm reading it for the dare :) I was lucky enough to find it in the bargain bin!

    @Cindy: Thanks, you too!

  5. You have a nice list of books that you received this week in your mailbox. I liked Spice & Wolf. I didn't read the manga but I watched the anime and liked it.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous



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