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Most Notable Reads of 2011 - So Far

>>Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey everyone! The year is more than half over by now and I wanted to make a post about my most notable reads of 2011 - so far. I've read a fair number of books to date (approximately 25) and a few of those were Did Not Finish books. But, I did read quite a few great books and I wanted to compile them for everyone.

The list is made up with a diverse selection of genres, urban fantasy, steampunk, romance, young adult, historical fantasy, science fiction...which is kind of awesome because I didn't do that on purpose. There's something for everyone out there.

My Favorite Reads of 2011 - So Far

Veil of Gold by Kim Wilkins (review)
I came across this book through Calico Reaction and read it on a whim. It turned out to be a fantastic urban fantasy focusing on Russian folklore. It is unique, creative, face-paced and has an admirable cast of characters. 

The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook (review)
I came to read this book for the opposite reasons of Veil of Gold; everyone was talking about how awesome it was and, against my initial feelings of hesitation (I don't always like the really hyped up books), I broke down and bought it. I loved it as much as everyone said I would. It's a steampunk romance with amazing world-building and a believable romantic storyline. Can't get much better than that!

Honorable Mentions

Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready (review)
A great young adult paranormal with a different twist to the love triangle. It's smart and well written: my kind of young adult read.

Darkship Thieves by Sarah A. Hoyt (review)
Don't pay any attention to the cheesy cover. This book is actually very good! It's a space opera romance with good characters, good romance and fun world building! Give it a try.

Zoo City by Lauren Beukes (review)
This book gets my vote for most unique urban fantasy. It's set in South Africa and features characters magically bound to animals for committing crimes. The story itself is a mystery. The author really immerses you in South African culture but also provides a thrilling urban fantasy experience.

Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay (review)
A pretty epic retelling of a Chinese legend. I really loved the setting and the magic of the story. It's hard to describe in so little words. Read the review then go read the book.


  1. I feel like I've heard a couple of people mention VEIL OF GOLD lately. I love Russian folklore, so I'll keep an eye out for it!

  2. I'm really intrigued by Veil of Gold now, I hadn't heard of it. Glad you featured it! Also, agreed on The Iron Duke...I loved it as well :)

  3. Under Heaven and Veil of Gold both look particularly fantastic. I love folklore retellings and anything to do with mythology. Hope you discover just as many great books in the second half of the year. :)

    Kat @ A Myriad of Books

  4. I absolutely loved The Veil of Gold too! So good. Everything else you've mentioned here are books that I've had on my wishlist for awhile (except for the Iron Duke -- I really don't do romance. But I DO keep hearing all these great things about it *everywhere*, so I might break down eventually.)

  5. I am going to have to give Shade a try. It's been following me around the last two months, so I think I might just have to take it home with me.

  6. Going to try to find Iron Duke next.

    How's The Map of Time so far??? Fingers crossed that you're enjoying it.



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