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Sign Up: Mega Manga Challenge!

>>Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome to the Mega Manga Challenge here at starmetal oak book blog. This is a weekly challenge that will hopefully encourage people to read more manga. Anyone can join and you can participate whenever you like.

Here’s a rundown of the challenge:
  • Every week on Friday I will post a review to a manga I had read that week.
  • Everyone participating is invited to review their manga and post it on their blog and/or a review website.
  • I will have a link list on my review and you are invited to add your review link to it!
  • If you don't write reviews, you can talk about your manga in the comments.
  • If you like to stick to one series for the challenge (since there is often many volumes in a series), that’s fine, or if you want to try many different series, that’s fine too! The point is to just read more!
  • Challenge will kick off with my first review on Friday July 22nd and will continue for one year. Yes, if you participate every week, you will have read 52 manga in one year!
  • The only rule everyone must follow is that they must read manga!
What is manga, you ask?
Manga are Japanese comics and graphic novels. They have a distinct visual style and the Japanese ones are read backwards (to us, anyways). There are non-Japanese manga published out there but as long as the style is resembles Japanese manga, I say this is okay for this challenge.

So if you are interested in joining the challenge, please add your blog to the linky below! If you don’t have a blog or online profile, just add your name.

You can join at any time and you don’t have to participate from beginning to end or every single week. Do what’s comfortable to you!

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at starmetaloak(at)gmail(dot)com.

Please add the button to your site!

Click here to select.

Sign up for the challenge below!

1. Kat @ A Myriad of Books  4. Jenn  
2. Julie @ Manga Maniac Cafe  5. Orchid @ The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia  
3. Cozza  6. Nina @ Death Books and Tea  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I LOVE this challenge idea! I always mean to read more manga, but get sidetracked by the other books on my tbr pile. There are so many series I'd like to get caught up on, so I'll definitely be participating. :)

  2. Thanks so much! Can't wait to see what you read!

  3. This sounds totally interesting! Will definitely try giving it a go. :D

  4. Great challenge! I'm going to participate!!

  5. I think I'll definitely sign up for this challenge. I love manga and any excuse to read more of them is fine by me. =)

    The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  6. Neat idea. I've been looking for some good manga recommendations. Everything I love is from the late ninety's!

  7. Joinage! Advertising manga-great. Such a shame no-one in my bookclub seems to like me advertising it at book club-I'll have to do it via the blog instead. Great excuse to read more.
    Nina @ Death Books and Tea

  8. Thanks everyone for joining! I can't wait to see what you discover!

  9. Good luck everyone! That's such a brilliant idea. I'd join too but my zero-manga-curse-you-asjlfkjlg-noooo-why-grrr-you-are-more-annoying-than-alfred's-laugh-more-stupid-than-the-multi-coloured-christmas-cake-more-evil-than-aizen-souske-more-awkward-than-stein-falling-off-his-swivel-chair of a library (and my budget of £0 a week pocket money) means I wouldn't be able to get a hold of any for a ver long time.



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