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In My Mailbox #16

>>Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to another edition of In My Mailbox hosted by The Story Siren! I received too awesome books for review this week. Both are urban fantasies and I can't wait to get started! Sins of the Angels was my very first Goodreads First Reads win, yay!

For Review:
Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon - thank you St. Martin's Press!
Sins of the Angels by Linda Poitevin - thank you Penguin and Goodreads!


  1. Gah I really want to read Sins of the Angels! Happy Reading!

  2. Sins of the Angels looks so good! I hope you enjoy all you got!

    Here's my IMM!

  3. Great set. I want to read Kenyon's books sometime.
    My IMM

  4. I keep looking at Retribution everytime I an in the store! It looks good. Hope you enjoy!

    Here is my Mailbox for this week. If you like what you see I hope you will follow. Please be sure to let me know if you are a new follower.

  5. I love the Goodreads first reads giveaways! I've won a couple in the past and my fingers are always crossed to win more!
    Great books and happy reading!

  6. i need to look up these books now, thank you. hope you enjoy them




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