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In My Mailbox #17

>>Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome to another edition of In My Mailbox hosted by The Story Siren! Here's two great looking books I received this week:

Working Stiff by Rachel Caine
I bought this after reading the great review from the Book Smugglers and also because of the clever premise: a company that revives the dead and blackmails them into working for them.

For Review:
Broken by Susan Jane Bigelow
Another book that got a good review from the Book Smugglers, I was delighted to have been offered this book to read. It's part of the new speculative fiction publisher Candlemark & Gleam - and they have some great upcoming books lined up. Stay tuned for more! (also: I love superhero fiction)


  1. working stiff looks really good!

  2. I haven't heard of either of those books but I really like the idea of Working Stiff. Can't wait to hear what you think of it.


  3. Working Stiff sounds hilarious and I'm going to have to check out Candlemark and Gleam to see these great upcoming books!
    Happy reading!

  4. I also have "Working Stiff" sitting on my nook just waiting to be read! Excellent choice. :)

    My IMM this week: http://witchoftheatregoing.wordpress.com/2011/08/21/in-my-mailbox-%e2%99%a1-week-24/



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