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Waiting on Wednesday: Eyes to See by Joseph Nassise

>>Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome back to another installment of Waiting on Wednesday,  hosted by Breaking the Spine. Here's an interesting release and the start of a new urban fantasy series. I love the idea of someone giving up their eyesight to see the dead.

Title: Eyes to See
Author: Joseph Nassise
Series: Jeremiah Hunt #1
Publisher: Tor
Publication Date: October 11th, 2011

From Goodreads:

In an urban fantasy that charts daring new territory in the field, Jeremiah Hunt has been broken by a malevolent force that has taken his young daughter and everything else of value in his life: his marriage, his career, his reputation. Desperate to reclaim what he has lost, Hunt finally turns to the supernatural for justice.

Abandoning all hope for a normal life, he enters the world of ghosts and even more dangerous entities from beyond the grave. Sacrificing his normal sight so that he can see the souls of the dead and the powers that stalk his worst nightmares, Hunt embarks upon a strange new career—a pariah among the living; a scourge among the dead; doomed to walk between the light of day and the deepest darkness beyond night.

His love for his departed daughter sustains him when all is most hopeless, but Hunt is cursed by something more evil than he can possibly imagine. As he descends into the maelstrom of his terrifying quest, he discovers that even his deepest fears are but prelude to yet darker deeds by a powerful entity from beyond the grave…that will not let him go until it has used him for its own nefarious purposes.


  1. Sounds intriguing! I am going to have to check this one out. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Ok, wow! This book sounds really unique and intense! Great pick!

  3. WHAT IS THAT COVER. I shall have to put this on my to-borrow shelf!

    Amber @ Du Livre



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