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Waiting on Wednesday: Empire State by Adam Christopher

>>Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Welcome back to another installment of Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Breaking the Spine. I was browsing Angry Robot's site for some upcoming releases and this one caught my eye. It's described as a noir-fantasy with a superhero element. It sounds awesome, and look at that cover!

Title: Empire State
Author: Adam Christopher
Publisher: Angry Robot
Publication Date: December 27th, 2011

From the publisher's website:

The stunning noir-fantasy thriller set in the other New York.

It was the last great science hero fight, but the energy blast ripped a hole in reality, and birthed the Empire State – a young, twisted parallel prohibition-era New York.

When the rift starts to close, both worlds are threatened, and both must fight for the right to exist.


  1. Never seen this before...but I just love ANYTHING Angry Robot publish...I swear they publish the best books ever...

    Nina @ Death Books and Tea

  2. I've never heard of it, but it looks very interesting.

    My WOW

  3. I'm over the moon in love with the cover art here. Super heroes in an alternate New York sound pretty cool, too. :)



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