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Waiting on Wednesday: ExtraNormal by Suze Reese

>>Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Welcome back to another installment of Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Breaking the Spine. Here's a cool looking young adult fantasy with a nice cover!

Title: ExtraNormal
Author: Suze Reese
Publisher: Mountain Crest Publications
Publication Date: January 2012

From Goodreads:

Mira Johns is pretty much like any other teenage girl. Except that she knows how to harness electro-magnetic energy to communicate without words. And she's really, really far from home. Her assignment as an emissary to Earth sounds fairly simple: blend in, observe, and stay away from the planet’s primitive males. But after she finds one mysterious boy too irresistible for stupid rules, she realizes the real reason she's supposed to keep her distance: mates from her world can die if separated. But a series of serious accidents make it clear that someone wants to force her return. Mira decides her only hope is to uncover the truth to why she, the most mediocre of candidates, was actually chosen for this assignment—before the agency discovers her secret and sends her back home.


  1. what a creepy pick XD nice cover also XDD

    My WoW

    Come check out my awesome giveaway in ase you havent =D

    Happy reading!!! bye =)

  2. the cover is gorgeous! I think this one is a great pick.

    And here is my pick for this week: http://thecolourfulbook.blogspot.com/2011/10/waiting-on-wednesday-pretty-little.html


  3. Oh wow I love this cover! First time I see it too.

    Xpresso Reads

  4. wow, i am so in love with this cover!!!! I follow you here, and love the blog! I hope you'll stop by mine and see my WOW pick?! You can also enter my author group's latest giveaway for some signed books, and let me know a book you've tread and loved recently! :)




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