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Review: If Wishes Were Horses by Anne McCaffrey

>>Saturday, December 3, 2011

Title: If Wishes Were Horses
Author: Anne McCaffrey
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 96
Genre: Fantasy
Publication Date: October 1st, 1998
Publisher: G P Putnam's Sons
Rating: B-

From Goodreads: Young Tizra and her twin brother Tracell find their world abruptly changed when their father is unexpectedly called to fight in a war which promises to last much longer than the usual three-day skirmish. Their mother--the village healer--enlists her children to assist her in caring for the many refugees left wounded and homeless by the conflict. Inspired by her mother, Tizra learns never to surrender hope even in a time of fear and uncertainty.

Why did I read this book? I found this book on sale online a while back and decided to buy it because I loved the title. Then, as some may know, Anne McCaffrey passed away a couple weeks and I wanted to feature one of her books in memory of her.

Source: Bought

My Review
When I received this book I was quite surprised, it's a small, cute square hardcover with such pretty artwork. It's quite short, at 96 pages, and even then the pages are quite small.

If Wishes Were Horses is a glimpse into a fantasy world and is driven by the characters. It centers on Tizra, a twin whose father goes off to war to support their prince. This is shortly before her and her brother’s 16th birthday, and when she is supposed to receive a (magic?) crystal from her mother and her brother a horse. We see Tizra's mother through her eyes, how she rallies the people left in the town while the men go off to war. Although it sounds pretty bleak, it's actually a heartwarming story. There's just a touch of magic throughout, and I liked how it was focused around Tizra's mother and the strength of character she has.

Rating: B-
The story was entertaining and the ending was definitely gratifying. McCaffrey's prose takes you off into this land and provides just enough magic to be entranced. I definitely recommended this for someone looking for a feel-good fantasy that you can enjoy in a single reading.

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